Jeannette E.M.S., Inc.

Application for Employment


Please print this application and mail it to:


Operations Manager

Jeannette E.M.S., Inc.

225 S. 6th Street

Jeannette,  PA 15644-3417



Date of Application________________________________.


Position applying for (  )EMT  (  )Paramedic  (  )Health Care Professional (  )other____________


Full Name _____________________________________________________________________

                           Last Name                                                               First Name                                               M.I.



                             Number        Street                                                                          City                                 State                    Zip


IF you did not live at this address for at least 5 years, please provide previous address



                             Number        Street                                                                          City                                 State                    Zip


Telephone Number (             )____________________________


Are you at least 18 years or older?  (   )Yes   (   )No


Do you understand that the job that you are applying for will consist of lifting people on stretcher’s (   )Yes   (   )No


Are you applying for (    )Full Time  (    )Part Time  (    )Per-diem (fill-in)


Are you able to fully perform the job that you are applying for? (   )Yes   (   )No


What shifts are you available for? __________________________________________________


Can you work weekends? (   )Yes   (   )No


Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (   )Yes   (   )No If yes, please explain






Drivers License #__________________________ State Issued___________________________


Expiration Date____________________________ Do you have EVOC? (   )Yes   (   )No





Jeannette E.M.S., Inc.

Employment Application

Page 2



In the last 7 years have you had any driving violations? (   )Yes   (   )No, If yes, please explain






If you are hired you will be required to take a physical examination, do you agree to this?

(   )Yes   (   )No


If you are hired you will be required to take a drug test, do you agree to this?

(   )Yes   (   )No


PA Department of Health ID number__  __  __  __  __  __ Expiration date ____/____/____


CPR Expiration Date____/____/____  All aspects? (   )Yes   (   )No


Do you have ACLS? (   )Yes   (   )No expiration date ____/____/____


Please list below any other training that you have that would help consider your application for employment.






Please note, this application must have attached to it copies of all certifications that you hold necessary to be considered for employment. Including you drivers license and EVOC certification.


List all previous employers from the most recent to the last.


Employer_________________________________________Type of business_______________


_______________________________________________________(      )__________________.

Address                                                                         City                      State          Zip                            Telephone


Dates of employment ____/____/____ to ____/____/____ Position held?___________________


Name of Supervisor_________________________ May we contact (    )Yes (    )No


Was employed (   )Full time (    )Part Time Reason for Leaving?__________________________


Duties preformed?_______________________________________________________________








Jeannette E.M.S., Inc.

Employment Application

Page 3


Employer_________________________________________Type of business_______________


_____________________________________________________(      )__________________

Address                                                                         City                      State          Zip                            Telephone


Dates of employment ____/____/____ to ____/____/____ Position held?___________________


Name of Supervisor_________________________ May we contact (    )Yes (    )No


Was employed (   )Full time (    )Part Time Reason for Leaving?__________________________


Duties preformed?_______________________________________________________________



Employer_________________________________________Type of business_______________


_______________________________________________________(      )__________________.

Address                                                                         City                      State          Zip                            Telephone


Dates of employment ____/____/____ to ____/____/____ Position held?___________________


Name of Supervisor_________________________ May we contact (    )Yes (    )No


Was employed (   )Full time (    )Part Time Reason for Leaving?__________________________


Duties preformed?_______________________________________________________________




List persons that are not related to you and that you have known for at least three (3) years




































Jeannette E.M.S., Inc.

Employment Application

Page 4





I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and the statements made by me in this application are correct and complete.  I understand that any false information contained in this application will result in my discharge.


I authorize you to communicate with all of my former employers, school officials and persons named as references.  I hereby release all employers, schools and individuals from any liability for any damage what so ever resulting from giving such information.  I authorized Jeannette E.M.S. to photocopy my signature below along with this statement and send this to any holder of information.


I understand that as this organization deems necessary, I may be required to work overtime hours or hours outside a normally defined workday or workweek.  If employed, I understand and agree that such employment may be terminated at any time and without any liability to me for any continuation of salary, wages, or employment related benefits.


I understand that all equipment issued to me by the Jeannette E.M.S., Inc. is the property of the Jeannette E.M.S. and will be turned in to a designated representative of the organization upon request.  I do understand if any equipment issued to me by the Jeannette E.M.S., Inc. is lost, stolen or damaged I am responsible for said equipment.


I understand if employed by the Jeannette E.M.S., Inc. I will receive an employee handbook that I will read and submit to the Operations Manager signed documentation stating that I have received the handbook.



_______________________________________                  _________________________.

Signature of Applicant                                                           Date







DATE INTERVIEWED_____________________________ INTERVIEWED BY___________________________


INTERVIEWING COMMITTEE COMMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________




DATE HIRED__________________STARTING SALARY____________ STARTING DATE_________________


DATE DISMISSED_________________________

